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Office Information

Name Maritax Law Office
Address 6th Floor, Izumi Garden Wing,
6-3, Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku,
Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan
TEL [Admiralty & Maritime Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3251 Minohara & Hirayama

[Tax Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3601 Yamashita, K.Yamashita, Tashiro, Fukuhara, Maruchi & Imagawa

[International Family Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3601 Kasahara

[International Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3601 Nishigata
FAX [Admiralty & Maritime Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3250 Minohara & Hirayama

[Tax Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3602 Yamashita, K.Yamashita, Tashiro, Fukuhara, Maruchi & Imagawa

[International Family Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3602 Kasahara

[International Law Practice Group]
81-3-3586-3602 Nishigata

[Admiralty & Maritime Law Practice Group]
Mr. Minohara / minohara[atmark]maritax.com
Mr. Hirayama / hirayama[atmark]maritax.com
*please type "@" instead of "[atmark]"

[Tax Law Practice Group]
Mr. Yamashita / yamashita[atmark]maritax.com
Mr. K.Yamashita / k_yamashita[atmark]maritax.com
Mr. Tashiro / tashiro[atmark]maritax.com
Mr. Maruchi / maruchi[atmark]maritax.com
*please type "@" instead of "[atmark]"

[International Family Law Practice Group]
Mr. Kasahara / kasat[atmark]proof.ocn.ne.jp
*please type "@" instead of "[atmark]"

[International Law Practice Group]
Mr. Nishigata / m_nishigata[atmark]maritax.com
*please type "@" instead of "[atmark]"



Maritax Law Office was established in 1995 together with Mr. Minohara and Mr. Yamashita.

Our office has two practice groups, one is Admiralty & Maritime Law Practice Group, and the other is Tax Law & General Law Practice Group.

The Office's Admiralty & Maritime Law Practice Group specializes in ship financing, litigation, arbitration and any other dispute resolution relating to maritime issues, such as collisions, oil pollution, charterparties, B/L disputes, marine insurance, fisheries claims, enforcement of mortgages and marine liens etc. on behalf of both domestic and international businesses and corporations such as shipowners, P&I clubs (Britannia, GARD, Swedish Club, West of England, Japan P&I), Lloyds market, charterers, hull underwriters, dockyards, trading companies, banks, and other maritime related corporations.

The Office's Tax Law & General Law Practice Group is specializes in contracts, litigation and any other disputes relating to tax and general corporate issues.

The International Law Practice focuses on intellectual property, entertainment, and real property matters.

The Office's International Family Law Practice Group specializes in legal consultation, litigation and any other dispute resolution relating to family law issues (including issues of wills and estate planning).


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